Thursday, January 31, 2008

toby of the day, 12.31.2008

It’s been a long time since either jon or I failed to stay awake until midnight on new year’s. There was one year when we didn’t have a clock, but otherwise, I’m pretty sure I was like 6 the last time it was an issue. This year was close, but we proudly made it until 12. Regardless it was a calm and quiet evening at home. Jon and I sat on the floor enjoying a picnic of dinner and good wine while toby took a little nap. Then we watched the simpson’s movie while toby had a snack and another nap. Then we sat in bed waiting for midnight while toby had his final snack of 2007. we might not have gotten to watch someone puke on Isaac this year, but some, probably Isaac for example, would say that’s a good thing.

1 comment:

IB said...

I dunno, I spent New Years at a so-so party in Brooklyn which my brother promised would be full of fascinating ladies of debatable morality. None of them barfed on me, true, but it was still a little lacking. I did have some nice Venezuelan chicken though.