Tuesday, March 25, 2008

toby of the day, 2.22-26.2008

toby of the day special edition: live from Austin texas. Well, at least it was live when we were there. Now it’s like when they replay radio call in shows and they have to keep repeating that you shouldn’t call in because it’s prerecorded. Anyway, we had a great time. We ate migas, drank lone star, had our former adviser yell at us over lunch, just like old times! For a moment we thought we could move back there. Until we walked back to our car one afternoon and jealously stripped the clothes off our overheated baby while we stood there sweating and cursing because we couldn’t do the same and realized that it was only February. Plus, UT hasn’t offered us any jobs. Toby had a great time too, hanging out with mary, james, and their dogs, hanging out in the backyard baby corral at christine and tyler’s house, hanging out in our bright yellow chevy cobalt with the wind blowing thru his hair. We even got to go out for some beers all by ourselves while toby followed james around at the house. For more pictures, take a look at the link to the right.

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