Lately, we've been experiencing some exciting happenings in our bedroom. Before your mind wanders too far with that thought, let me say that the first bit of excitement involves the contraption toby is pictured with. We recently bought a new-fangled humidifier. By new-fangled, I refer to the fact that the humidifier can measure the level of humidity in the room and adjust it's output to let you achieve whatever your desired level of humidity is. this assumes that you want it more humid, up to 65% humidity. so we plugged it in, and it said 67%, so it just sat there, because, it it's mind, the job was done. Jon, who had been eagerly awaiting the humidifier to clear up his dry skin and my tendency to shock everything I touch, assumed that it was broken ("there's no way that the humidity in here is 67!") and pushed a few buttons until he had reprogrammed it to just run continuously until all the water in the tank was gone. it began gurgling, and we went to sleep. Now, I have to admit, that during one of my many rousings to feed or quiet toby, I thought that I heard dripping, but assumed it was just part of the gurgling, and quickly fell back to sleep. then around 6:30 am, jon stepped out of bed. after briefly wondering why the floor seemed wet, we turned on the light to discover that it was, essentially, raining in our bedroom. we have lived in this apartment for four years, doing little damage aside from an occasional nail in the wall or scuff mark. in 6 short hours, we had made it rain in our bedroom. jon had to mop off the ceiling. apparently, it really was 67% when we fell asleep. and, by the end of the night, it really was 85%. and, we now know, 85% is too high. so if anyone knows anything about concealing water damage, feel free to let us know.
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