Wednesday, May 21, 2008

toby of the day, 5.5.2008

This weekend my mom is back for another visit. During her last visit, toby rolled over for the first time. This time, he took his first steps. She, jon and I just watched, open mouthed. I must admit, it means that I’m a little torn about her next visit. In some sense I can’t wait to see what exciting thing he’ll do next. But then again I don’t feel that we need to rush things, because one minute he’s all adorable smiles but then the next thing you know you’re fighting with a surly teenager about whether he can borrow the car, or worse, about why his crazy eco-maniachial parents don’t even own a car for him to borrow. Maybe I can convince him that it’s not necessary perform such grandiose tricks to impress his grandma, and then she can visit as often as she likes.

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