today we had ed, michelle, kevin, jess, and isaac over to eat bacon. Then we headed to the park for wiffle ball. It turns out that wiffle ball may be more dangerous for your knees

than women’s soccer. I’m surprised that it wasn’t discussed in depth in that 15 page nytimes

magazine article I read. You would think with 15 pages on knee injuries there would be enough space to talk about wiffle ball, but there was nary a mention. Fortunately we all survived without needing a knee replacement and without crushing toby who liked to rush the field to visit his dad when he pitched. I hope we haven’t instilled any bad habits in him for when we go to a professional wiffle ball game. It would be so embarrassing if toby rushed the field. Almost as embarrassing as it would be to attend a professional wiffle ball game. I have to admit that I’m really just continuing to type because wiffle ball has such a nice cadence in my head. Wiffle ball, wiffle ball, wiffle ball. ok, I think that's maybe enough.
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