today we headed to kyushu to visit toby's great grandparents. on the way, I learned the following important lesson: do not remove your shoes at the airport security station. even if you're wearing shoes that are so easy to remove you can't see any reason not to, just leave them on. removing them will result in great confusion and concern, as it requires the security person to, after looking confused and irritated, pull out the special slippers for you to wear, and then spend a few minutes deciding what to do with your shoes before ultimately placing them on top of a basket rather than inside because your shoes might tarnish the inside of the plastic basket. I just imagine the day when they do decide to xray shoes, the slipper manufacturers will be making a killing, while the airline industry collapses trying to keep hundreds of pairs of feet properly slippered in the 2.5 meters between the beginning and end of the metal detector and luggage xray.
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