I believe I’ve mentioned previously that Halloween is my favorite holiday, in part because I really like to make stuff. I like the planning part and the construction part, and I even like the moment in the construction where you think that your planning must have been just craziness because this is obviously never going to work, and then I especially like the following part when it turns out that it will work and thank goodness for all that planning. Anyway, I feel as though last year at this time our lives were like some unassembled piece of Swedish furniture sitting in your living room, a pile of wood slabs, bolts, allen wrenches, and a little paper brochure just waiting for you to sleep off your hangover enough to make sense of them, but somehow you never quite do. Consequently, although it made me somewhat disappointed, the best I could muster last year was to send toby off to day care in t-shirt with a monkey on it. This year, we seem to have built that piece of furniture, and while there are a bunch of extra screws and it’s a little lopsided, it seems vaguely functional. The point I’m trying to make is that, what with all the sleeping we’ve been doing, this year I managed to make

toby a costume, an owl costume. On Sunday, I took him to a party at the gymnastics place next to his day care where he enjoyed running around and managed not to get crushed by any wayward gymnasts. And then on Halloween proper we went trick or treating in cole valley. Because toby hasn’t the slightest idea what candy is, he spent most of his time pointing out pumpkins, which he pronounces as mummins. You have no idea how many pumpkins there are on the street this time of year, and toby knows the location of them all, and screams in delight whenever we pass near them, “mummins!” Naturally, people think that he has confused that round, orange squash with his mother and shake their heads with a look of pity, but I know he knows what he’s talking about, and that if I were in a line-up with assorted pumpkins, even if they were carved and decorated, I think he could tell us apart. Except of course when I’m wearing a giant orange mumu, but I reserve that for very special occasions, so it’s mostly not an issue. anyway, you can see lots more pictures on flickr using the link on the right.
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