The other night when I was putting him to sleep, toby had mostly dozed off when he suddenly bolted upright and asked “Mr. Wonka pee in the toilet?” then just as suddenly he laid back down and was snoring again. I imagine his dreaming little head to be like some crazy editing room where all sorts of gibberish gets spliced together in a manner a thousand times more nonsensical than what I wake up remembering these days. Which I have to say makes me a little jealous. For example, I recently dreamt that I was hanging out with Ewan McGregor talking about how my hand felt like it was asleep at which point I awoke to

find that my hand was, in fact, asleep and then I lay awake for a while, feeling vaguely disappointed since dreaming about my hand being asleep because it was actually asleep was sort of a waste of a dream involving Ewan McGregor, you know what I mean? In any case, with regard to toby’s dreaming, the answer to your first question is that toby is obsessed with the classic willy wonka and the chocolate factory movie not the more recent, although also enjoyable, tim burton remake. It started with an interest in the
oompa loompa songs, but has spiraled into an addiction to much of the film and often results in him singing various songs and reciting bits and pieces of it, especially
this scene. I have to say it’s a bit unnerving when your two year old is constantly walking around shouting “good day, sir!” or “it’s all there, black and white, clear as crystal!” in his grumpiest, most Gene Wilderesque voice. The answer to your second question is that toby does sometimes pee in the toilet himself, although not frequently enough that we can imagine a diaper free lifestyle anytime in the near future. And as far as toby’s question, well, if you have any insight just let us know.
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