Wednesday, February 20, 2008

toby of the day, 2.12.2008

we have no idea what toby is trying to tell us in this video. clearly something really funny. perhaps he’s mocking us for moving the TV into storage just as a new season of lost has begun and the writer's strike is ending. or maybe he's recounting a humorous incident involving the wimpy kid at daycare. Whatever it is, it must be really funny. I sure wish I knew, I could post it here on the blog and have all of you in stitches. instead, I'll have to resort to telling you a joke, once I can remember one. or maybe you should just watch the video.

1 comment:

dad said...

Sounds like he is saying "let's go out" or "I want to talk to you". He is definetely is a happy kid. Love you. Dad.