Wednesday, February 20, 2008

toby of the day, 2.9.2008

Toby spends a lot of time on the floor, and consequently, we spend a lot of time of the floor. We rest there, play with toys, eat breakfast, dinner. All without proper back support. So today we went to Japantown and bought ourselves some “zaisu” or Japanese floor chairs. They may be ugly, but my back is very very happy. and so are the cats, apparently they were also sick of sitting on the floor.

After our purchase of floor chairs, we headed to the park chalet to enjoy the warm sun with Patty, Jason, Genki, Emma, Isaac, and Jessica. And there, to our surprise, we met a baby even larger than our Toby. She was 7 months and 23 lbs!!! And she looked it. Toby weighs in at a tiny 22 pounds, and he was clearly no match for gigantor. Her head was the size of his torso, and as we’ve mentioned before, he has quite a torso. We kept him close for fear she might swallow him whole.

As usual, we ended the day with a bath. When we first set up toby’s changing table, we placed a bet for how long we thought the decorative piece of paper that we posted above the table would last before it was ruined in a diaper related incident. We still have the poster, but toby has managed to spray a number of other things. Today, it was his father that he peed on. I laughed, I cried, it was better than cats.

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