For dinner, we met up with andy, a friend of jon’s from high school, and his wife and 7 month old daughter. We of course went to Tokyo midtown because we only spent a couple hours there today. We ate at a place that I would compare to that semicircle of nations at disney’s epcot, except with bland versions of international food all housed in one restaurant whose decorating scheme reminded me of a german cafeteria. It was fine, and to its advantage, toby’s meandering around wasn’t disruptive at all. At one point we let the kids sit next to each other. Andy and his wife sat back and watched, confident that their quiet daughter would sit still, while I hovered

close by, confident that, because toby loves babies, he would try to hug their baby and in the process knock them both off the chairs to form a pile of very angry babies on the floor. Fortunately, this did not happen. Whether it was due to my excessive vigilance or not, I don’t know, although I’d like to attribute the absence of an angry baby pile to my meddling since then I can feel like I contributed something other than just getting in the way of the picture taking.
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