Today we went shopping for gifts for ourselves and others at muji. My dream of remaking myself as a stylish Japanese woman was thwarted by a combination of my body shape and my own stinginess. But we did find some cool stuff. All while toby played on a little toy filled section of carpeting in the middle of the store. We then went to lunch with kunchan and hiroko, friends of jon’s parents who own a 2 michelin star restaurant that only serves fugu. When we ate there a few years ago we were just in time for the peak season of shirako or ‘male egg sacs’. while it was overall an amazing meal, after 5 courses involving

shirako, I feel I can now say that pufferfish testicles are not one of my favorite foods, but I do like that I can say so from experience whereas most people can only guess at their opinion of blowfish testicles. In any case, lunch with kunchan and hiroko was one of those experiences that made me wish I spoke Japanese. They are both friendly and funny and appear to tell great stories. If only their stories were about cats, then I could maybe follow along, though I suspect that might reduce their greatness. Toby slept through most of the lunch, though he did wake up in time to meet their dog. Toby very much likes to indicate the presence of dogs, by pointing at them while

panting. And often he becomes upset if, after he has indicated there is a dog nearby, you take him away from the dog. But there is a minimum distance that he likes to maintain between himself and dogs such that while he might appear as though he would enjoy petting a dog, once you bring him in close enough he loses interest or becomes frightened and turns away. However, if you were to then move too far from the dog, he would begin to complain. It’s a very slippery slope. Such was our interaction with kunchan’s poodle, who was either too close or too far for toby’s liking. I’m not sure what this means about getting our own dog since I think having to maintain proper distance between toby and a dog would quickly drive me insane. Fortunately getting a dog isn’t high on our agenda in our small, yard-free apartment, so for the moment it’s a non-issue.
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