Friday, December 21, 2007
toby of the day, 12.18.2007 part 2

toby of the day, 12.18.2007 part 1

toby of the day, 12.16.2007
toby of the day, 12.14.2007

toby of the day, 12.13.2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
toby of the day, 12.11.2007

toby of the day, 12.9.2007

toby of the day, 12.8.2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
toby of the day, 12.01.2007

As of yesterday, Toby has taken to grunting and grabbing his ankles as he is getting his diaper changed. While this indicates that he’s one step closer to his dream of becoming a circus contortionist, I can't help but worry about the dangerous territory he has now entered. One of my greatest fears before becoming a father was, obviously, projectile poop. With his new body position, one can easily imagine the distance his poop could travel. I fear that it’ll be only a matter of time before we write about this again. Needless to say, I’ve removed the family photos and toothbrushes from that end of the changing table.
toby of the day, 11.26.2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007
toby of the day, 11.24.2007

Today toby’s paternal grandparents arrived for their second visit. Toby has gained 10 pounds since they last saw him. They try to come up with polite adjectives to describe him, ‘strong’, ‘big’, ‘healthy’, but we know the word they’re working around, we can see the elephant in the room, the big chubby elephant. Regardless, they’re excited to see him, since he’s now so interactive, even if they can’t pick him up for too long.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
toby of the day, 11.22.2007
toby of the day, 11.21.2007

Tonight we met carlos and tracy and carlos’ sister for drinks at the orbit room where I had my first martini in 14 months or so. It was delicious. Usually I drink martinis with a little olive juice, and find it difficult to not drink many of them. And then find it difficult to walk, speak, or do much of anything the following day. This time I had just a martini with extra olives. I’m not really sure why. Jon believes that I was trying to sabotage my enjoyment of the martini. But if that was my plan, it didn’t work too well since it was still tasty. Toby was somewhat unimpressed by the orbit room, perhaps because our favorite cross-eyed bartendress wasn't there. Now she makes a mean martini.
toby of the day, 11.19.2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
toby of the day, 11.18.2007
toby of the day, 11.17.07
toby of the day, 11.16.07
Saturday, November 10, 2007
toby of the day, 11.10.07
toby of the day, 11.05.07
toby of the day, 11.03.07

Sunday, November 4, 2007
toby of the day, 11.02.07

toby of the day, 10.31.07
toby of the day, 10.28.07
Today we headed to Livermore for a wedding. Toby is wearing a tuxedo shirt, vest and a bowtie, though no one can see the bowtie because it’s hidden under his extra chin. and tonight is his first night sleeping away from home. We worry he might get spoiled by the large hotel bed, I think it might even be queen size!
toby of the day, 10.25.07

Sunday, October 21, 2007
toby of the day, 10.20.07

toby of the day, 10.19.07

Monday, October 15, 2007
toby of the day, 10.15.07
toby of the day, 10.14.07
toby of the day, 10.13.07
Thursday, October 11, 2007
toby of the day, carole of the day, 10.10.07

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
toby of the day, 10.06.07
Saturday we packed Isaac and toby into a prius and headed to Napa. We had tasty wine and barbecue at Barber’s Q, followed by some not so exciting wines but a nice view of the hills and of a frisky fence lizard at the Robert Sinskey vineyard. After that we consumed lots of sips of wines and dollars of toby’s college fund at our favorite wine store, and finally we wandered through the ever famous Napa Cajun festival, because who doesn’t equate Napa and Cajun. It was a quite a lovely day, although, ultimately, I think that toby and I have the same complaint about trips to the wine country: they involve too much time in the car. Naturally, my way of voicing this complaint in through my soft and melodic voice, while Toby states his opinion through more of a grating scream reminiscent of nails on a chalkboard (I wonder what the modern description of this is since chalkboards are now obsolete?). Anyhoo, in the process of enduring his cries, we did discover that when hungry, sleepy and stuck in a car seat, toby will take a bottle even from me. So in the end, it was even a day of learning. Huzzah!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
toby of the day, 10.05.07
Survival of the Politest
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
toby of the day, 10.01.07
toby of the day, 9.29-30.07

On saturday we had Isaac, Kevin, and Jess over for brunch. Then went to see patty & jason’s new version of their old house. It’s powered by the sun. On Sunday we had to make a trip to babies r us to buy the one kind of nipple toby seems to like. Though not as scary as we expected, it was still unpleasant, so to recover we took our zipcar over to route 1 and did a little hiking up some bluffs overlooking the ocean (toby’s first hike) and went down to the beach (also a first) where toby quickly replaced the lint between his toes with sand. We decided that with all the other firsts he was experiencing, we would skip his first viewing of naked men doing handstands (actually, a first for all of us), so we stayed on the clothed end of the beach.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
toby of the day, 9.28.07
Friday, September 28, 2007
toby of the day, 9.27.07

Thursday, September 27, 2007
toby of the day, 9.26.07

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
toby of the day, 9.25.07
toby of the day, 9.24.07
Monday, September 24, 2007
toby of the day, 9.23.07
Sunday, September 23, 2007
toby of the day, 9.22.07

toby of the day, 9.21.07

Friday, September 21, 2007
toby of the day, 9.20.07
Thursday, September 20, 2007
toby of the day, 9.19.07
Number of times I wish that I hadn’t set myself up to come up with something clever to count every day: 14
mid-morning naptime: 12:13pm
activities/milestones: toby slept until 10am this morning, recovering from spending 4 hours trying to sleep in his own bed last night. Of course, 10am is his usual naptime, which greatly complicated the morning and made him somewhat ornery until a nap in the swing set him straight. This afternoon I made my first trip back to work to get some information from Kathy before she moves to Boston (stopping in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel, and Europe on the way). Work is hard, especially after not thinking for 2 months. It doesn’t help that Kathy is the smartest person, well, maybe ever. After she ran through information on solenoids and digital I/O’s and Matlab functions, she asked if I had any questions. I realized then that the entire time I had been singing to myself a little song about toby wearing pajamas that I wrote this morning. Needless to say, I couldn’t come up with any questions, though I’m sure I’ll have a ton once she’s on the other side of the world. Now that I’m back home, my head hurts and I need a nap. I was only gone an hour. Work is hard.
mid-morning naptime: 12:13pm
activities/milestones: toby slept until 10am this morning, recovering from spending 4 hours trying to sleep in his own bed last night. Of course, 10am is his usual naptime, which greatly complicated the morning and made him somewhat ornery until a nap in the swing set him straight. This afternoon I made my first trip back to work to get some information from Kathy before she moves to Boston (stopping in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel, and Europe on the way). Work is hard, especially after not thinking for 2 months. It doesn’t help that Kathy is the smartest person, well, maybe ever. After she ran through information on solenoids and digital I/O’s and Matlab functions, she asked if I had any questions. I realized then that the entire time I had been singing to myself a little song about toby wearing pajamas that I wrote this morning. Needless to say, I couldn’t come up with any questions, though I’m sure I’ll have a ton once she’s on the other side of the world. Now that I’m back home, my head hurts and I need a nap. I was only gone an hour. Work is hard.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
toby of the day, 9.18.07
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