Number of shirts we went through before finding one that fit toby today: 3, he sure is a big boy.
mid-morning naptime: 9:47am
activities/milestones: toby can now hold his head up really high when he lies on his stomach, which also means that lying on his stomach doesn’t immediately result in screams of frustration like it used to. It sure looks tiring, especially with those little arms holding up such a big head, and of course all those extra chins.
This kid is actually getting cuter as he gets older. Amazing.
whatever, they say the same thing about me and at least I can drive a car. oh wait. nevermind.
and Ed, commenting on every single post does not count as blogging, you are totally in last place in our blogathon.
whatever, toby's been cute since conception. i've read ed's comments more than i've read his blog. so, i'd say his commenting counts for something.
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