hours sarah spent at work: 2.5
ounces toby drank from a bottle: < 1
jon’s level of frustration: high, and not just because I keep forgetting to mention that there is a new link to pictures (september photos) over to the right.
The day according toby: Breakfast. Nap. Snack. Laid on blanket, wiggled all limbs. Talked a little. Laid on tummy, got frustrated. Snack. Nap. Discussed favorite lamps. Snack. Watched mom eat lunch. Snack. Nap. Take bath. Change clothes. Mom is gone so dad offers strange bottle as snack. Explain I would prefer mom. Still offered bottle. Explain more loudly. Still just bottle. Yell loudly. Get tired, nap. Wake up. Hungry. Still that stupid bottle. Yell. Dad uses telephone. Apparently mom is buying an external hard-drive to back up all data before computer is wiped tomorrow because of a virus incurred during her time at home. Yell some more. Mom returns. Smile, laugh. Snack. Snack more. Sleep well, dreaming of victory: Toby-1, Jon/Sarah-0
1 comment:
That's wonderful writing. I especially like :Discussed favorite lamps."
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