Sunday, September 30, 2007
toby of the day, 9.28.07
Friday, September 28, 2007
toby of the day, 9.27.07

Thursday, September 27, 2007
toby of the day, 9.26.07

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
toby of the day, 9.25.07
toby of the day, 9.24.07
Monday, September 24, 2007
toby of the day, 9.23.07
Sunday, September 23, 2007
toby of the day, 9.22.07

toby of the day, 9.21.07

Friday, September 21, 2007
toby of the day, 9.20.07
Thursday, September 20, 2007
toby of the day, 9.19.07
Number of times I wish that I hadn’t set myself up to come up with something clever to count every day: 14
mid-morning naptime: 12:13pm
activities/milestones: toby slept until 10am this morning, recovering from spending 4 hours trying to sleep in his own bed last night. Of course, 10am is his usual naptime, which greatly complicated the morning and made him somewhat ornery until a nap in the swing set him straight. This afternoon I made my first trip back to work to get some information from Kathy before she moves to Boston (stopping in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel, and Europe on the way). Work is hard, especially after not thinking for 2 months. It doesn’t help that Kathy is the smartest person, well, maybe ever. After she ran through information on solenoids and digital I/O’s and Matlab functions, she asked if I had any questions. I realized then that the entire time I had been singing to myself a little song about toby wearing pajamas that I wrote this morning. Needless to say, I couldn’t come up with any questions, though I’m sure I’ll have a ton once she’s on the other side of the world. Now that I’m back home, my head hurts and I need a nap. I was only gone an hour. Work is hard.
mid-morning naptime: 12:13pm
activities/milestones: toby slept until 10am this morning, recovering from spending 4 hours trying to sleep in his own bed last night. Of course, 10am is his usual naptime, which greatly complicated the morning and made him somewhat ornery until a nap in the swing set him straight. This afternoon I made my first trip back to work to get some information from Kathy before she moves to Boston (stopping in Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel, and Europe on the way). Work is hard, especially after not thinking for 2 months. It doesn’t help that Kathy is the smartest person, well, maybe ever. After she ran through information on solenoids and digital I/O’s and Matlab functions, she asked if I had any questions. I realized then that the entire time I had been singing to myself a little song about toby wearing pajamas that I wrote this morning. Needless to say, I couldn’t come up with any questions, though I’m sure I’ll have a ton once she’s on the other side of the world. Now that I’m back home, my head hurts and I need a nap. I was only gone an hour. Work is hard.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
toby of the day, 9.18.07
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
toby of the day, 9.17.07
number of times toby kicked me while I wrote this: 4, either someone needs to learn to sit still while they eat or someone else has to type faster
mid-morning naptime:10:08am
activities/milestones: a note on swimming etiquette—if you want to join a lane split by a 70 year old man swimming the breaststroke and a 33 year old mother of one swimming 3 freestyle laps for each one of his laps, do not just jump in and swim directly toward the mother without warning, forcing her to move into the slow man’s lane and tread water until you pass by. This will make her grumpy. In better news, toby may have started to get the hang of the bottle. It seems that at least one thing he wanted was milk as warm as his mom, which apparently is quite warm.
Monday, September 17, 2007
toby of the day, 9.16.07

age at which stealing is wrong: maybe 12? At least according to the young girl who told us it was ok for her to steal things because she’s just a kid.
mid-morning naptime: 10:17am
activities/milestones: today we watched part of the great banana chase where adults dressed as bananas chased children around the track. Actually, they mostly acted as sweepers, keeping the rolly-polly stragglers company and urging them to finish the race. We were mildly frightened of the prospect of someday having to interact with some of the parents, including the father yelling “bring it!” to his 8 year old son and the parents who

Sunday, September 16, 2007
toby of the day, 9.15.2007
mid-morning naptime: 10.54am
activities/milestones: we massaged toby’s head with olive oil to relieve some cradle cap while feeling sorry for babies that don’t have so much hair to hide their cradle cap under. Breakfast at darla’s. toured around golden gate park including toby’s first trip to the de young obser

toby of the day, 9.14.2007
number of times toby’s diapers have to leak on me before we break down and buy larger ones: apparently a lot. about the same number of times jon tried to impress me with his biceps.
mid-morning naptime: 11:06am
activities/milestones: we spent a lovely afternoon of beer, sun, and snacks at the park chalet. Toby is getting quite good at grabbing your finger and maneuvering it to his mouth for eating when he gets tired of eating his own hands. Needless to say handwashing has greatly increased around the house. Toby also got to visit the new brewery in the neighborhood. Their service was wonderful, with a confused waitstaff serving us two glasses of beer for every one that we ordered!
toby of the day, 9.13.2007

number of days late this post is: only 3, I’m not a machine you know, I have a life too.
mid-morning naptime: 10:02am
activities/milestones: toby’s uncle matt arrived and regaled us with stories of his gaming convention in las vegas and life in new york. And toby enjoyed watching us all eat a tasty meal at koo. Iwashi is tasty.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
toby of the day, 9.12.07

Number of Canada geese in the park today: 0, they must have migrated on.
mid-morning naptime: 11:45am
activities/milestones: yesterday, toby’s maternal grandfather arrived. Still recovering from his attack from the pediatrician, toby mostly ignored this visitor. Today, however, he was in much better spirits and demonstrated his various skills including kicking and hand eating and pointed out the many exciting lamps in the house. He also showed him some cool tree branches and how to sleep whenever you are taken outside during our San Francisco style (read cold and foggy) picnic in the park.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
toby of the day, 9.11.07

mid-morning naptime: 11:04am
Today toby is wearing his “I’m smarter than the president” shirt. To support this statement, in the picture to the left he is counting on his right hand the number of links between the 9.11 attacks and iraq. See, the shirt doesn’t lie.
Today was a very busy day. We went to the pediatrician where Toby received four vaccinations and two purple band-aids with skateboarding dinosaurs on them. Not surprisingly, skateboarding dinosaurs don’t

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
toby of the day, 9.10.07

number of times we thought about leaving the house: 9
number of times we were successful: 1
mid-morning naptime: 10:14am
activities/milestones: today we pretty much did nothing. Apparently watching jon cook a boar leg is tiring work, so we had to take many naps to recover. At one point toby was ready to get up, but I convinced him that we should sleep longer.
Monday, September 10, 2007
toby of the day, 9.9.07
number of folds in toby’s thigh: 3
mid-morning naptime: 9:58am
activities/milestones: We had friends over for dinner to help us eat a leg of wild boar, which sure was tasty. their visit involved many rare occurences, including the use of the dishwasher to wash dishes, as well as an attempt to put Toby to bed before the guests left. he slept for maybe 20 minutes before asking where we were. And Toby received some lovely rocks from his friend emma who seemed disappointed that he wouldn’t hold the rocks but instead just kept his hands clenched in fists. mmmmm, delicious fists.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
toby of the day, 9.8.07
Saturday, September 8, 2007
toby of the day, 9.7.07
Friday, September 7, 2007
toby of the day, 9.6.07

Thursday, September 6, 2007
toby of the day, 9.5.07
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ed is stuck up, Isaac is blonde, so what am I?

There’s been some talk of a blog competition, a blog-off of sorts. Unfortunately, I fear that, as we’ve just had a baby, we may be at a disadvantage. While I’ve learned a lot in the past 8 weeks – babies are not ergonomic; they’re noisy sleepers; if I can use only one hand to type because I’m, say, holding a baby, I’m better with my left hand; there is more debate than we’d like on the environmental virtues of cloth diapers (but they are a pain in the ass, so that has to count for something, right)—the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that spending 1344 hours with a baby doesn’t enhance your communication skills. Somehow when the things you look forward to each day are naptime and maybe chatting with the woman at the cheese boutique, there aren’t many stories that I have that don’t have baby as the punchline. I guess I’m quickly becoming one of those people. But then again, what’s cuter than a baby hanging out with me, aside from maybe a baby holding a kitten while getting licked by a puppy that was raised by a koala. And we have a baby, a cute one at that (see embedded picture). So we’ll take on you’re fancy European living and snooty opinion blogs (though not the pictures of a man in a coconut bra, nothing beats that) and blow them out of the water. At least we would, if we weren’t busy with our super cute baby.
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