do you have any idea what you were doing 1 year ago, around 1:59pm? I do. Not what you were doing, of that I have absolutely no idea. Unless you’re toby, in which case you were taking you’re first breaths of air. Nothing in my life has been the same since. But then again, nothing in his life has been the same either. I imagine that at least a few times in the 9 months prior to that moment, after, say, a meal at spices or a yoga class where I spent a lot of time standing on my head, toby might have had wondered to himself, “what the hell is going on!” But I suspect those moments pale in comparison to the moment he flung himself onto my ob’s lap. Since then he’s learned to eat and drink, roll and crawl, walk forwards, backwards, and sideways, spin in circles, scream in a soft, high pitched voice, scream in a loud, lower pitched voice, pontificate about the ways of the world using only sounds that end in aaaa, smile, laugh, and steal the hearts of muni patrons and pedestrians everywhere. It’s not often that you can pinpoint a moment when your life changes forever. And even though I quite enjoyed the life I had before, and I’ll admit that I miss sleeping through the night and getting to leave the house after dark, but when he walks up to me, already giggling, to show me the piece of carpeting that he has in his mouth so that I’ll chase him across the room and tickle him until he gives it up, well, I just can’t imagine ever going back to my life before that moment. Happy birthday toby!
1 comment:
Like the Virginia Slims people Keep Telling me, "You have come a long way baby!"
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