today we celebrated toby’s first birthday with all of the acoutrements that you would expect: balloons, bubbles, cupcakes, bouncy castle, catered Indonesian food, a keg of anchor steam plus 50 some people to help drink it. Hmmm, so now that I think about it, aside from the bouncy castle and the sign over the chicken satay that said “contains peanuts” it could easily have been mistaken for a 34th birthday party, because nothing says happy 34th like a bouncy castle. But in some respects, it was a party for jon and I as well, because toby has made it to his first birthday with just a little help from us. I’m sure he’ll tell you that he would change his own diapers, make his own milk, and sing himself to sleep if only we would just step aside, but I feel like we play at least a minor role in maintaining his health and happiness. At least until he can reach the knobs on the stove himself, then I figure we can start charging him rent, or at least have him fix us some bacon when he gets up early on the weekends. It was a great party. Toby was a gracious host; everyone was shocked at how well mannered and jovial he was despite not getting an afternoon nap. In contrast, jon and I were shocked to hear that such a thing as an afternoon nap even existed. Whatever. Next thing you’re going to tell me that walking makes babies slim down. Don’t make this into a house of lies, I’ve seen the truth, the chubby, chubby truth. And no amount of walking is going to change it.
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