for the fourth of july weekend we went to boston. And it was crazy. Not like crazy full of keg stands and beer shotguns, and I guess not crazy like toby was screaming and throwing fits or anything, and not crazy as in our days were packed with touristy times on the freedom trail. Ok, so maybe it wasn’t crazy. It was fun though. We saw jon’s parents and his brother micah, his wife stacey, and their daughter sylvia who is 7 months older than toby. If you took toby and stretched him out so that he was 5 inches taller and 5 pounds lighter and you taught him to say a lot more than uh-oh, you would have sylvia. It was pretty cool watching them together, even if toby looks a little bit like a baby hippopotamus next to her. And in case that wasn’t enough family, my dad and his wife betsy came up from florida and my brother came up from new york to enjoy our rare visit to the right coast. The last time they saw toby his repertoire of tricks included laying on his back and pooping. Needless to say, they were impressed by how much he’s progressed. We saw our friend eunjin, her husband brian, and their new baby. If toby is a baby hippopotamus, their son Jacob is something that could eat a baby hippopotamus for breakfast, and he’s only a few months old. We also had a luxurious brunch with our friends kathy and david, who recently moved from san francisco to boston, proving that it is possible to leave the bay area. And given the spread of cured meats, funky cheese, and home baked goods they fed us with, apparently you can even live well. Toby slept through the redeye that took us there, and was surprisingly well mannered on the 6 hour flight home. I think he’s just trying to lull us into a false sense of confidence, making us believe that maybe our 11 hour flight to japan in september won’t be so bad after all. And then, bam, somewhere over the pacific he’ll release his inner hippopotamus. and once that hippo is out, well, you know how hard it is to get a hippo to stay seated even if there’s a good in-flight movie. I guess as long as he doesn’t stampede the flight attendants, we’ll consider it a victory.
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