since this is toby's second solstice, we now have some established traditions. according to last years solstice post, apparently we open presents, then have some wine and a bath. I guess the wine and bath will wait until later, at least until sometime after noon, but Toby got started on a couple presents this morning. his paternal grandparents "Baba" and "Jiji" contributed to toby's growing obsession with Totoro by giving him a Totoro towel. Similarly, Toby's maternal grandmother has added to his collection of melody cards as well as his college fund. Gifts from both sides are featured, along with some surprisingly rhythmic knee slapping, in this brand spankin' new video of Toby.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
toby of the day, 11.30.2008
Toby has had a number of loves so far during his short time with us. There was the black halogen lamp, the blue lamp, the American analog set poster, Mr. Cow. There are still owls, phones, dogs and pumpkins. But right now, on top of it all, there are balls. There is a corner store at the end of our street (eddie’s discount liquors) that has three baskets of balls that they set out every day. And every time we leave the house, toby is ready to sprint down the hill to find them. We can’t go anywhere near that corner without spending at least a few minutes while he tries to fish a ball out of one of those baskets. Of course, eddie’s doesn’t have a monopoly on balls. In fact, like pumpkins, they’re everywhere. Especially when you can’t tell the difference between something that is simply spherical, such as a decorative stone finial on a handrail or a round glass ornament, and a ball which might be suitable to throw or kick. Yesterday we purchased a ball that is full of water and glitter that shake around like a snow globe when you throw it. It’s actually quite awesome. But still, jon and I did eventually tire of hearing about it. it was all he could talk about in the store, and on the walk home, and after we reached home. and then once we got it home, he would cradle it in his hand like some sort of magic gem before hurling it across the room and screaming “a ball”. I think that is my favorite part, actually. While he may not yet have the vocabulary or prefrontal cortex of a modern human, and while he is sure to break something in short shrift because he cannot catch the ball after he sends it ricocheting around the room, by adding that ‘a’, he is telling us that he is sophisticated, cultured, ready for us to acknowledge his arrival as a person. Of course, we’ll know he’s really arrived at personhood when he calls it ‘my ball’.
toby of the day, thanksgiving

(photos courtesy of Mai)
Operation bring home the bacon Part 3: bringing that bacon home
Today: Imperial palace, food market shopping street, curry udon lunch, sanjusangendo, train back to KIX airport in Osaka,
7 hours awaiting my profoundly delayed flight, 7 hours sleeping in my empty row on the plane, and then I was home. well almost, I went directly from the airport to meet jon and toby at a birthday party. I gave toby a bottle cap with an owl in it that I had saved from my beer. He promptly lost it, but regardless he seemed happy to have me back. That was on a Saturday. By Tuesday, while they were interviewing the remaining 8 candidates for the position, I was in bed fighting off a cold. And by Thursday morning, 5 days after my return, I opened my mail, and there in my inbox was ‘the bacon’ if you will. They sure don’t dawdle there at Kyoto University. Toby will be so pleased since
this means he could live in the land of rice, nori, and tofu. Of course, it also means that he could be farther away from the land of penne and pumpkins. And we would be far, far away from the people and places we hold dear. But, while I still consider becoming an industry puppet to be my dream job, I couldn’t ask for a better back up plan if all else falls through. Kansai, here we come! maybe.
Operation bring home the bacon Part 2: bacon acquired
Operation bring home the bacon Part 1: the long trip to the store
this second photo is of my hotel room. I feel like they could have found a slightly larger picture for that wall.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
toby of the day, 11.15.2008

toby of the day, halloween
Sunday, November 23, 2008
toby of the day 10.20.2008

Toby very much likes his new table. He sits there and ‘colors’ which is mostly a process of rubbing crayons against the table then gnawing on them, then rubbing them on the wall. Right now he really likes yellow, which we know only because that’s the color of wax that pours out of his mouth most often when he smiles. You’d never guess that from the picture of course. Here, he looks like an upstanding citizen, one who pushes his chair in and sits up straight, someone assiduously working on an important art project, someone whose cheeks are not brimming with tiny bits of crayon. I guess you’ll just have to take my word on it, or stop by some time and tickle him. Then you can learn all his secrets.
toby of the day, 10.19.2008
Today we went to ikea to buy toby a little table and chairs for his room. It was quite a long process. The store is set up so that you weave past section after section of goods that you didn’t come with the intention of buying, and after enough wandering you start to let your guard down and then you suddenly have difficulty convincing yourself that you do not need to leave the store with a sofa, not today anyway. After we finally made it down to the warehouse toby and I headed to look for his table and chairs. We were the only people in a huge aisle of children’s furniture, and as we searched for his table, ‘take on me’ by a-ha was playing. Maybe I was loopy from the fumes of the flame resistant furniture chemicals, or eager to add one more allen wrench to our collection or maybe I was just so excited to finally be so close to the exit, but somehow it seemed perfectly appropriate to just dance our way along, toby riding and dancing on the dolly, me dancing and pushing him, as we collected our bright orange table and two little chairs with squirrels on them. thank goodness wham! didn't come on next, or we could have become poster children for consumerism.
toby of the day, 10.18.2008
After the museum, we went outside where there was a large and awful music festival that would eventually feature mos def, but at the time there were just horns blaring out of the PA. We met up with Isaac and he and I went through the elaborate security procedures necessary to purchase a beer, which involved procuring beer tickets and hand stamps so that we could enter the official drinking area and acquire drinks. Toby and jon met us inside the drinking area. Apparently the elaborate security system mostly involved a piece of police tape around the edge of the drinking area indicating its boundaries. It reminded me of the very fancy cigarette machines in japan that would take your photo to determine if you were of age before selling you cigarettes. According to those machines, toby can pass for 18, as long as you hold him up high enough to look into the camera. Next thing you know he’ll be sneaking into bars, as long as he can find a friend tall enough to hoist him up onto the stool.
toby of the day: animal preservation
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Day 14: uchi!
Today, we took one last tour of the ramp at roppongi hills and the sculpture at Tokyo midtown, purchased our last milk tea and $4 kiwi, thought about trying to fit in a round of our favorite taiko drumming game but couldn’t wait for the game center to open, received our last notices about phone calls under our door, picked up a final convenience store nigiri, and headed to the airport. We catch the airport bus at the ANA hotel down the street. It is apparently THE place to get married on a Saturday morning, which meant we got to watch a parade of finery (kimonos, hanboks, gowns, tuxedos) while we drank our milk tea and waited for the bus. Not to be outdone, we had dressed up in clothes laundered in the hotel bath, I’m surprised no one mistook us for part of a wedding party. We got to the airport plenty early so toby could tire himself out. Narita has a kid’s playroom where toby insisted on hugging one boy slightly older than himself. The boy just wanted to go down the slide, but whenever he would approach it, toby would run over to hug him and so the boy would jump back onto a bench with his parents, and toby would go down the slide. And that’s about it. I really should end there. But, you’ll say, how was the flight back? Well, not surprisingly, the flight was long, very, very, very long. So incredibly long. There was the “turbulence” which required us to stay seated for the first 4 hours. Toby did not like this much. And then there were the curmudgeonly flight attendants, one of whom accused toby of breaking the plane when, after finally being released from our seats, he discovered a piece of rubber molding that was coming loose from the bulkhead. Jon and I did not like them much. I mean really, if a 2.5 foot tall, 24 pound toddler can “break” the plane, I’m not sure I want to be flying in one. As it is, I’m not sure that we’ll be stepping on a plane any time soon. It was very tiring. It’s two weeks later, and writing about it makes me tired. And to top it off, on our way out we lost one of toby’s new shoes. I’m pretty sure one of the surly flight attendants stole it off his foot as we passed by. bitch. Hmmm, that seems like the wrong way to end this last post. because, those 9 hours aside, it was a fabulous trip. and while spending 24 hours a day with a toddler sure is exhausting, it was awesome to get to hang out with him for 2 whole weeks. But still, it’s good to be home, where everyone can sleep in their own bed. And if some of them, I won’t name names or anything, but if some of them wanted to sleep perpendicular to the normal sleeping axis, they could do so without putting their feet on my head or crawling into my armpit. Unless jon decides that’s his new thing. But that’s what the extra bed is for. See, it’s great to be home. Phew!
here's a taste of some of our homecoming celebrations.
day 13.5: kouri
Our trip started and ended with zeno. We had dinner with him tonight, ramen at a hole in the wall that jon and I passed on our many excursions to Tokyo midtown. We followed that with a drink at a shochu bar. We were looking for a sake bar and I made the joke as we approached it that they probably only serve shochu, as a reference to our night out in nara where we ended up with shochu and hot sake. Of course it turned out that they did only serve shochu, pages and pages and pages of shochu. Apparently it’s all the rage. So we had a drink. The ice cubes were spectacular. For the entire trip I’ve been impressed at the ice cubes here, they are always perfectly shaped, solid cubes. However, at this place, the ice cubes were perfect spheres about the size of a racquetball. They were amazing. I wanted to sneak mine out in my pocket, but fortunately I hadn’t had quite enough to drink to actually go through with my plan. We then bought some drinks for the road and headed back to our hotel to put toby to sleep (he can’t seem to get to sleep without nightcap these days). Zeno joined us. He did a little dance for toby, the video of which I will save for a rainy day (hmmm, I guess today is kinda rainy. . .). we had some pleasant banter, and of course, not to let pleasantries be the last word, we discussed at some length his impending crowded train ride home where there was a high probability that someone might violate his leg. And then we wished him luck and he was gone.
Monday, October 13, 2008
day 13: inu
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Day 12.5: akachan
Friday, October 10, 2008
day 12: denwa
Today we went to the imperial palace. It was hot and sunny and there were lots of spiders. Then, perhaps feeling a bit of withdrawl, we headed to Tokyo station for lunch, which is, yes you guessed it, a high-end shopping center. Toby played with some other children until he got sleepy. as he napped in the backpack, we headed to Tokyo midtown for some coffee and dessert. He awoke while we were there and lead some old ladies in a clapping exercise. As you’ll see in this video, I think he has a future as a guitarist for the kind of stadium playing band that stops playing to clap their hands over their heads and encourage the crowd to clap along. rock on!
day 11: yoguruto
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Day 10: shinkansen
Day 9: gyunyu
For dinner we headed to a tiny place purported
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Day 8: daruma
Day 7: ba ba
Toby’s great grandfather accompanied us to Kyoto where we had lunch with a woman (whom we’ll call mrs. N) and her daughter. Mrs. N had planned to take us out to dinner, in part to repay a favor from jon’s parents, but additionally because she was apparently just really, really excited to meet us. I know this is cynical, but I find it weird when someone we’ve never even heard of is said to be excited to meet us. And I find it more peculiar that someone would want to have long, awkward dinner with us as we
Once we finished and bid farewell to N-san we headed to our hotel where we also bid farewell to jon’s mom and ojichan. Toby has started
Day 6: Taifu jusan-go
Thursday, September 25, 2008
day 5: gokiburi
after dinner, we left toby with his grandmother and jon and I headed out for a drink. We ended up at a tiny hole in the wall where we hoped to have some sake. The only Japanese characters that I can recognize are for entrance, exit, and Kyoto. None of these are of any help in ordering off a menu. Jon knows a few more, well actually many many more since he can actually read and write in japanese, but regardless, somehow we still mixed up shochu with sake and hot with cold so we ended up with a shochu on ice and, even though it was 98 degrees and humid outside, a hot sake. We then asked to try a yuzu sake, which initially ended up in them having to find a tiny glass to let us taste it before we could just get a full glass. In all, it reminded me of a time during jon’s 30 bars in 30 days where on like day 17 we went to a local bar, and unable to come up with the word ‘neat’ when ordering a bourbon, jon said ‘straight up’ at which point the bartender asked to see both of our IDs. In both instances, I think we could only have appeared less familiar with alcohol if we had ordered wine coolers or mad dog 20/20. Along with ordering drinks like schoolchildren, we also managed to leave our shoes in the wrong place, which required the waitress to bring them in and place them in a cupboard for us. In the end though, I would have been more self conscious about the experience had jon not pointed out the cockroach on the wall idling it’s way toward me. while I tried hard to keep track of him while appearing non-chalant I was ultimately successful at neither. I think I hit my tipping point when our insect friend headed over to the shoe cupboard. So we slurped down the last of our yuzu drink, rescued our shoes and headed out.
day 4: matsuge
Thursday, September 18, 2008
day 3.5: fukuro

day 3: onsen
It turns out there isn’t much to do in Kyushu, especially when a typhoon is heading your way, albeit very, very slowly. So far today we’ve eaten a few breakfasts, walked to the supermarket, and visited the onsen. Toby’s favorite things here are going up and down a carpeted ramp in the hotel and playing with a noisy plastic car in the gift shop. I think he’s really getting the most out of this trip to japan.
Day 2: kutsu
Day 1.5: uma
Day 1: sebun-irebun

Day 0: hikouki
august in september

Sunday, August 31, 2008
toby of the day, 7.24.2008
the first bear jacket we ordered for toby was a wee bit tight in the shoulders, so we returned it for the next size up. I now worry a little about what we're in for. if these sizes are correct, toby will suddenly go from his current, normally proportioned size, to something more akin to an orangutan. we haven't decided whether or not to return this jacket, if only because it's been an endless form of entertainment, watching him try to pick things up through the super long sleeves. and really we only have so many more months of this, where we can giggle as he flounders about because of something we've attached to him, before he starts to remember these episodes and will someday recount them to his psychiatrist or a jury of his peers. so until that happens, we should all enjoy this video of toby the bear vs. the wily TOOTHBRUSH.
toby of the day, 7.20.2008
toby of the day, 7.17.2008
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