Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ed is stuck up, Isaac is blonde, so what am I?

There’s been some talk of a blog competition, a blog-off of sorts. Unfortunately, I fear that, as we’ve just had a baby, we may be at a disadvantage. While I’ve learned a lot in the past 8 weeks – babies are not ergonomic; they’re noisy sleepers; if I can use only one hand to type because I’m, say, holding a baby, I’m better with my left hand; there is more debate than we’d like on the environmental virtues of cloth diapers (but they are a pain in the ass, so that has to count for something, right)—the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that spending 1344 hours with a baby doesn’t enhance your communication skills. Somehow when the things you look forward to each day are naptime and maybe chatting with the woman at the cheese boutique, there aren’t many stories that I have that don’t have baby as the punchline. I guess I’m quickly becoming one of those people. But then again, what’s cuter than a baby hanging out with me, aside from maybe a baby holding a kitten while getting licked by a puppy that was raised by a koala. And we have a baby, a cute one at that (see embedded picture). So we’ll take on you’re fancy European living and snooty opinion blogs (though not the pictures of a man in a coconut bra, nothing beats that) and blow them out of the water. At least we would, if we weren’t busy with our super cute baby.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Crap! You have learned to embed pictures! That was my ace in the hole! Your blog also features a very cute baby! I am not sure how I am supposed to stay in this blog competition. I may have to start updating my blog more than once every three months! Remember, if I start uploading nude photos to up my web hits, you drove me to it!

Pisken said...

what was the comment deleted? i'm so intrigued. i bet it was it a censored version of edward naked. fortunately, big brother is watching.