Wednesday, September 19, 2007

toby of the day, 9.18.07

number of wardrobe changes today: me-2 toby-3. time to get more quarters. mid-morning naptime: 10:03am activities/milestones: Today, Mimi from my lab brought us lunch and toby, as a gracious host, decided to show her the magic of wool diaper covers. In particular, how they not only fail to provide a barrier between you and a soggy diaper, but also, once wet have the lovely smell of wet wool. Genius! This evening toby slept for the first time on his own mattress. For a little while anyway. After his first feeding at 3:15am he made it clear that he much preferred to be wedged into our full size bed than stretched out but cold and lonely on his. of course, with him back in our bed, his spacious mattress looked pretty appealing to both jon and I.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who had the worse separation anxiety, Toby or Jon?