Monday, May 5, 2008

toby of the day, 4.11.2008

today was a pretty big day, and surprisingly enough, toby was the smallest part of it. This morning we went in for toby’s 9 month check-up. After 6 months of near exponential growth, toby has gained only 1 pound since January. It makes me think that one day, the only crease in his arm will be at the elbow or that we might not fear losing toys, coins or small pets in the creases in his thighs, although that day isn’t quite upon us yet. But what made this a really big day was our trip out to the bay meadows racetrack to watch some horses race and rock out with perry stevens and the rest of “journey unauthorized” (visit, at your own risk, Well, at least a bunch of people got to rock. Me and toby stayed trackside to watch his college fund lope its way across the finish line. toby's friend emma, shown in the video below as toby tries to lick her, won 100 smackers. That's probably why he's trying to get with her now (is that legal? maybe a little precocious... but they seem mutually consenting). Perhaps in a couple years when toby is emma's age he will be better at picking horses, but right now he's useless. I never should have listened to him. bababababababababababa he said. I told him I was dubious, that 4th horse sure looked like a long shot, but he insisted. gaaaaagamaaagaba he said. so we put down $10 and you know what it got me? nothing. I guess maybe he just needs some more practice, so we'll have to try again. and you know, why not, because there's nothing like a little gambling to bring families and friends together.

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